Sunday, July 28, 2013

and in addition to that- everything is BEAUTIFUL

lovely time of year

and then comes...... the SHADE GARDENS

Well the help of a back hoe-  the third/bottom tier was created.   It will be the "growing grounds".  Soil is wonderful and deep  and gets lots of moisture and the scrub on the outside of the property shields it from the wind..  so its hot hot hot..:)  Its like a natural greenhouse.  IF that's not enough to drive a gardener wild,  it also helps to connect the property with a little project of mine .. shade gardens...

SO here's the thing.... TIER 3 has been created....

I must be crazy, I must be crazy, I must be crazy.  :)  a new tier and another .25 acre of prime gradening, full south, loamy soil   :)  Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you ...TIER 3